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Flipping that first property

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Flipping homes in Toronto and across the rest of Canada is currently derigeur. With the increase in property prices and the spike in the number of reality television shows glamorizing house flipping, it is no wonder that people are tempted to try their hand at making what looks like “easy money.” The truth is a lot more complicated and much tougher than what it would seem to be on tv. However, if done properly, there is money to be made in property flipping.
The first thing to keep in mind is that you need to know what you are doing – which means, research potential areas in which to flip a house. Find out what homes are going for in that area and then try to find that diamond in the rough that you can get for way under valuation – it won’t be easy, but it is possible. Just remember, that you can’t expect to buy a house in a low-income neighbourhood, renovate it to high-end standards and then expect to flip it for more than the area can handle. You have to always take into consideration what property values are worth in the area and the potential return you will make from a flip.
So you’ve scouted neighbourhoods and found the perfect property to flip. Now you need the money. Not only do you need the funds to buy the home, but you need the money to maintain it while the work is being done and the funds to renovate it – and remember always overestimate what you will need to invest. Another crucial element is having back-up cash available if/when your own funds run-dry. Renovations will always cost more than anticipated and you have to be prepared to cover any unforeseen circumstances.
Unless you have a contracting background, have always been very handy around a house or just have a burning interest in home renovations, it is good to have reliable and trusted contractors lined-up to help you execute those repairs that you can’t handle on your own. However, it is necessary to find contractors who won’t overcharge you and eat into whatever profit you might make during the resale of the residence.
The last and most important thing to remember about flipping houses in Toronto, is that people will pay for lifestyle far quicker than they will for a finished basement or a guest bedroom. If you can sell a certain kind of lifestyle, people will be more willing to spend those extra few dollars – especially when they will be getting a perk that speaks directly to their image of the perfect life.

Social Media and Real Estate

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Social media is rewriting the way people interact, socialize and the way they buy things – this is as true for real estate as it is for anything else on the market. Social media and real estate have a very symbiotic relationship and the best realtors know how to leverage the power of their social circles to expand their presence, broaden their brand awareness and increase their sales potential.
Let’s take a look at what social media and real estate involves.
There are several social platforms on which realtors should be active if they want to really hit their target demographics.
Naturally, Facebook remains at the top of the heap when it comes to social platforms. The majority of users are at that ideal 18-35 demographic and it is a great place for posting text, pictures and links to other sites. While there is still potential to reach your audience organically, the only way for a company to truly make an impact is to pay to promote their posts. In the past this used to be free, but in order to monetize the platform Facebook changed their business model and now any publicity you want must be paid for in order to get the visibility that will really boost numbers.
Twitter is a conversation that never stops. In order to best leverage the power in Twitter, companies must invest in engaging with their audience – this means posting a minimum of once a day. However, posting once a day isn’t enough. It is best to also retweet other people’s tweets and to tweet interesting articles that fall into your company’s area of business.
Pinterest can be an interesting platform if your business is highly visual. For instance, if your business is landscaping, then posting pictures of the jobs you’ve completed would be ideal for Pinterest. Just remember, that along with your pictures, you should link back to your website.
If you want the power of Google behind your business, then this is where to engage with your audience. Bear in mind that the Google+ audience skews older and more male than on Facebook. The Google name also means that SEO will rank very high on this platform.
Instagram is another highly visual medium similar to Pinterest. As long as you post often enough, you will be able to maintain a steady presence on the platform, but again, it is not for every business. If you are able to communicate your business visually then it might be a good idea for you.
Linkedin is an excellent source for professional networking. While it is a social media platform it isn’t as versatile or dynamic as the other platforms discussed above. The one thing going for it, is that you can create a story for yourself and your business and you can get endorsements from your clients right on your home page.

Becoming a Brand

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Brand building in the Toronto real estate market is one of the most important aspects of any successful realtor’s business. Although not new, the weight given to brand consciousness is a rather recent phenomenon based on the mega successes of globally identifiable brands such as Apple, Microsoft, Google and Amazon, to name just a very few. In your own way, it is important to establish yourself or your business as more than just an individual and a service – you have to pitch yourself as an all-encompassing brand that stands for exactly what your target audience needs/wants.
Becoming a brand needs an investment in time and effort.
1 – The first thing you have to do is to establish yourself or your business as an expert in its field. If you are a realtor, then pick a few neighbourhoods and become the go-to person for information on what to do, where to go and what to see in those areas. Know the schools, the services, the community leaders and get involved. Promote yourself and/or your company as being the source for information on that area.
2- The next thing you should do is to have a cohesive identity created – this basically means that you have to create an easily identifiable logo that people will automatically associate with you and your service/company. In order to create something truly representative of who you are or what you do, it is best to put down on paper what your brand voice is, what your values are and what your mission statement is – establishing these things will ensure that you always have a consistent communications strategy across all of your marketing mediums.
3 – Another key component to establishing your brand is to be active on social media and in other promotional areas where your name and service will be seen and heard. Remember that the goal of these activities is to establish yourself as an expert in your field and not necessarily to solicit business. You have to create a forum of trust where people feel comfortable consuming your information. When your community of followers sees that you are helping them, they will be more inclined to go to you for services when they are ready.
4- Target the people who are most likely to consume your product or service. There’s no point in joining groups or communities that are not likely to ever be interested in what you have to offer. Instead, concentrate your efforts on those whom you know will one day likely becoming a loyal client.
5- Networking is key to establishing your brand. Without visibility, there is no way that you will be able to reach the heights of success to which you aspire. Be sure to shake as many hands as possible, to attend events and to talk with people who can further your success.
Without a brand, it is hard to get traction in today’s hyper-competitive marketplace. To really make a splash you have to work at it – but once you’re established, then you will certainly reap the benefits of being a brand.

Should You Act as your Own Agent?

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Most people who are thinking of either buying or selling property have thought about being their own agent. While the thought seems sound and can make sense in some ways, the fact is real estate agents are an essential part of the home buying/selling process. You can certainly do the work by yourself, but you must then be prepared to take on a lot of work and to do your homework so that you know exactly whether you are getting a good deal or not.
Here is a breakdown of what you can expect to handle if you act as your own agent when selling your home:
Researching the property marketing in your area
Listing your home online with the MLS and other sales websites – bear in mind that while you can pay to have your home listed, you won’t have access to the full range of tools that realtors have on the MLS.
Taking proper pictures of your property
Fielding phone calls from interested buyers
Setting up appointments
Organizing open houses
Negotiating the best deal
Knowing what to include in the sales contract to protect yourself from liability
An experienced real estate agent will take care of all the items listed above as well as recommend trusted notaries, home inspectors, stagers, etc… to ensure the sale of your home goes as smoothly as possible.
Although acting as your own agent will save you money, you have to weigh the cost versus your personal investment in time and stress.
In the end an experienced real estate agent is an investment in your property, as they will ensure the highest price in the quickest turn-around, which is what every seller wants.

Getting Top Dollar For Your Toronto Home

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Selling your home in Toronto used to be very easy with bidding ways taking place constantly. The market is no longer as hot and so you need to do all in your power to make sure that your residence draws the biggest number of bids at the highest price. There are certain things you can do to ensure that your home sells for what you want.
Be online!
According to MoneySense magazine 90% of home buyers first look online for properties – even before contacting a real estate agent. Naturally, this means that you need to have a significant online presence to attract as much interest as possible. While the MLS is still one of the best places to list, you also have to think about other real estate sources including Kijiji, Craigslist and the classified sections of online publications.  
1) Have good photos!
The internet is very visual and buyers want to see a home that is well maintained and attractive. If your house doesn’t look like it was taken care of, buyers will usually discount it right away. The best way to showcase your home is through professional photography. Make sure that your photos tell a story – start with the front of the house, move inside and go through each room starting with the main level. Make sure that the rooms are brightly lit, clean and devoid of clutter and personal items such as family photos and knick knacks. When taking pictures outside, be sure to move your car out of the driveway, to rake any stray leaves, weed the garden, mow the lawn and tidy up patio furniture. In short, make sure your house looks good on film!
Sell at the right time!
The spring and early fall are the best times to list your home for a quick sell. People either want to get their home just before summer so that they can move it easily and have the summer to set up or they target the fall when everyone is back to the regular routine. Summer and winter are usually the slowest time of year.
Staging is no longer a luxury when selling a home but a necessity. Many real estate agents recognize this fact and include the service in their fees. The right staging will present your home in a way that is attractive to potential buyers.
Here are a few other tips to make sure you get top dollar for your Toronto home:
Clean and declutter your closets
Paint faded and worn-out looking rooms
Get rid of odors – especially pet odors
Keep it clean
Change light fixtures and/or hardware to make it look modern
Groom the exterior
Add little touches like flowers, fresh bars of soap, clean towels, etc… to complete each space.
Happy selling!

Toronto Real Estate Spring Madness

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Spring is one of the hottest times of year for selling and buying property in Toronto – and anywhere else in Canada, for that matter. The real estate market wakes up as buyers and sellers come out of hibernation and are raring to go with their projects. It would seem that most people are anxious to find or sell a home before the summer months. Across the country the pattern is the same with a spike in certain cities like Montreal as July 1st is the date when all leases are renewed and renters who don’t want to sign for another year need to find a house before that date.
In Ontario spring leading up to early summer is a terrific time for finding a new place or for selling your old one. However, because there are so many properties listed at this time of year, it is imperative that you find a way to make your home stand out from the crowd. There are several factors that go into making your home the one everyone wants. Here are a few tips to keep in mind before you put yours up on the market.
1) The Right Realtor
Find the right realtor! A realtor specialized in your neighbourhood will know where to look for clients, how to market to people in your area and will have the contacts needed to find potential buyers.
2) Get it Ready
Make sure your home is ready to show – that means cleaning up thoroughly. Hire a cleaning service if you need to but get it done! Make any minor repairs, repaint if it’s looking tired and stage your home if necessary. Don’t forget about the outside – curb appeal is a huge factor in getting your home sold. A property that is attractive from the outside is more likely to stick in a buyer’s mind long after the visit is over.
3) Price it Competitively
Pricing your home at the right price point will go a long way towards attracting the right kind of buyers. Price it too high and you are likely to scare away potential buyers. A good realtor will help you to make this kind of decision – but don’t let yourself get bullied into pricing too low either. You need to find a range in which you feel comfortable.
As long as you follow the simple above guidelines, you can successfully take part in the annual rite of spring-time realty madness and come out a winner.