Happy New Year!
https://i0.wp.com/imaginahome.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/PostImg_Dec-31-15.jpg?fit=1024%2C640&ssl=1 1024 640 Nisha Muire Nisha Muire https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/09971b406125a2f92a37bf65b08fd3c3?s=96&d=mm&r=gThe holiday season signals that another year has flown by – and by any account it’s been another successful one over at Imaginahome and we are tremendously grateful to all those who have contributed to our success and growth in 2015. We want to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a wonderful holiday filled with the best life has to offer and we look forward to starting 2016 with fresh enthusiasm, renewed vigor and a more focused direction.
The New Year is a time for resolutions and the best resolutions always involve proper home maintenance – just kidding! (sort of)
While resolutions don’t usually include proper home maintenance, maybe they should?
Even small little things can make a big difference in the long run and even little actions such as:
The yearly caulking/resealing of windows and doors
Checking your roof for leaks
Resealing an asphalt driveway
Resanding an interlocking brick driveway
Keeping drains flowing with monthly maintenance
… Can all make life a lot smoother by catching and/or stopping issues as they arise. Many actions are very simple and can easily be done, so taking the few minutes to take care of them will pay off in the end.
Make yourself a list of all the little home maintenance items that need doing around your home and break them down into bite-sized and easily accomplished tasks that you can do over several weekends.
Sticking to your home maintenance resolutions will become second-nature after a while and you’ll wonder why you avoided them in the past!