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Toronto Xeriscaping

150 150 Nisha Muire

Xeriscaping the grounds of your Toronto home may not seem like a necessity given our relative abundance of water, however, it is a trend that has been gathering steam over the past few years. Xeriscaping is landscaping to reduce irrigation and water usage. Although commonly believed to only include plants that are associated with dry climates or desert-scapes, Xeriscaping essentially involves the use of plants native to a particular climate to better sustain their ability to grow without the additional use of water. There are seven principles when it comes to Xeriscaping.

Planning and Design
The first thing you must determine before digging your flower beds or buying any plants is the overall plan that you want for your yard. It involves determining where the sun shines strongest, the parts that are in shade, the high-traffic areas, whether you want some hard elements (ie: decks, patios) in your design, etc… Remember that shaded areas will retain water better and also reduce the temperature of your garden.

Soil Analysis and Improvement
An analysis of your soil includes both a visual and chemical analysis. Determining the composition of your soil will help you to better prepare your beds for planting. It will also determine the kind of plants you should choose for different areas of your garden as rarely is there only one type of soil found in a yard.

Plant Selection
When it comes to choosing plants for your xeriscape, it’s important to select varieties that are compatible with your soil, environment and design. The right plants will flourish and provide yearly beauty without much effort and with little maintenance.

Use of Turf
Turf is used as an effective ground cover as it retains moisture, lowers surface temperature and provides a good underpadding for feet. However, it does require additional irrigation and does need to be mown so maintenance requirements are higher. The way around these two problems is to reduce the areas of turf in your design and to choose varieties of turf that require less water and less mowing.

As the key to any xeriscape is to reduce the amount of water your garden requires it is important to select a design and the plants that most efficiently use existing water, such as rainfall. While some designs and plants will require occasional irrigation, the overall goal is to minimize this need.

Using mulches in a xeriscape is very important. Aside from its decorative quality, it helps to retain moisture in the soil, which in turn helps roots grow longer and stronger. There are different varieties of mulch including stone mulches, but the best kind are the organic materials as they are less heat absorbent and allow for better airflow to the roots.

The idea behind xeriscaping is to reduce the amount of maintenance a landscape requires. The best way to do this is to discourage new growth, which requires a lot of irrigation. A good way to discourage new growth is to not fertilize as often, to reduce pruning to very light maintenance and to only cut turf when one third of the leaf will be removed. Ensuring that weeds are removed is also important as weeds compete for water in a garden.

Xeriscaping is an effective way of creating low-maintenance and beautiful landscapes that will flourish for years to come.

Upping Your Curb Appeal

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The first impression anyone has of your home is what they see when they pull up in front of your door. Whether you have a one-bedroom studio townhouse or a palatial estate set on several acres of land, your home’s curb appeal will be what people take away from your property. How your home presents itself will also go a long way when it comes to selling it. Many homebuyers want to be wowed when they view a property and a house’s curb appeal plays a significant role in that all-important first impression. Here we will look at a few of the ways to better your home’s curb appeal inexpensively and with little effort.

Cut that Grass!
As silly as it sounds just tidying up your lawn and flower beds will have a huge impact on how your home looks to others. If your cat disappears in your lawn, your shrubs are turning into trees and you can’t distinguish the flowers from the weeds in your flower beds, it’s time to roll-up your sleeves and give everything a good trim and a good weeding. Nothing improves the look of a home like properly mown grass, a weeded garden and well-trimmed shrubs.

Clean and Paint
If the exterior of your home is filthy with grime and dust then buying or borrowing a powerwasher and giving the facade a once-over will brighten things up considerably. Also be sure to wash your windows as nothing screams “shack” more than dirty window panes. Just be sure to use the proper settings to that you don’t damage your siding, bricks and/or stone work.

Think Creatively
An easy way to change the look and appeal of your home is to change the exterior fixtures such as lighting, railings or trim. If you have a garage door that has seen better days but can’t afford to replace it, then consider giving it a coat of paint – you can do the same for front doors and railings. Swapping out old lighting fixtures for new ones is also an inexpensive fix while adding more exterior lighting might cost more but will definitely increase the wow-factor of your home. Adding planters with colourful annuals is a quick fix during the summer while potted evergreens are a good choice for the cold months.

Bigger Budget Projects
If you have a bit of a budget to work with, then you could consider having your home professionally landscaped. Change the look of tired pavers by swapping them out for new stone bricks, repave cracked and peeling driveways and consider creating visual interest with low-maintenance mixed gardens. Changing old windows and doors and maybe even refacing the house are all bigger budget projects that will drastically alter and improve the look of your home.

In the end, it isn’t necessary to spend big buck on improving the look of your home unless you want to. You can find some fun before and after pictures over here of improved homes: //bit.ly/1H1wYZ5.

Lighting Up Your Life

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Lights can add atmosphere, create a mood and really get a party going – they can also soothe a child to sleep and help drain the stress from your body. Finding the perfect lighting for your Toronto home takes just a little effort. However, once you find that perfect mix of atmospheric and functional lighting, your home will go from blah to brilliant with the simple flick of a switch. Before going out and buying any old light fixture you have to determine the lighting needs of each room and then work out a lighting design that will provide the optimal illumination for each potential scenario.

Principal Areas
A good rule of thumb in principal areas is to have both functional and mood lighting present. The functional lighting can be for everyday uses while the mood lighting would be used for entertaining purposes. Pot lighting is an expensive but very attractive form of lighting that is ideal for functional uses. It sheds a softer glow than other forms of lighting, but they are not as striking or statement-making as a pendant light or chandelier.

In the living room wall sconces, table and/or floor lamps and chandeliers are all good suggestions while in the dining room a pendant light hanging low over the table is derigeur along with either pot lighting or wall sconces.

The kitchen is the one area in the home that requires good functional lighting – especially over work spaces. If you have a centre island then pendant lighting or another form of mood lighting is often used and in a breakfast area people opt for a mix of both functional and atmospheric options. Ensuites and bathrooms are another place for functional lighting is preferred over mood.

Private Areas
The private areas of the home including bedrooms, family room and recreation areas can be a lot freer-flowing with lighting. Although it is good to provide some strong lighting for desks and other areas where any kind of work might be done, these rooms are best served with mood lighting. If you have a home gym, then strong, bright lights are the best option.

Choosing your lights
Once you have determined the kind of lighting required by each room in your home, it is then time to find the fixtures that best suit your style and the lighting requirements. There are a number of retailers that offer a wide selection of great choices. The more adventurous among you can even shop online or through the better known auction sites where you can find high-end merchandise at sometimes a third of the cost.

Regardless of where you find your lights – be sure to have them installed by an electrician and try to opt for energy-saving bulbs if possible.

Wonderful Windows for your Toronto Home

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Choosing windows for your Toronto home is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly as windows can completely alter the look of your residence. Whether you want to keep it simple or spice it up, windows can be the perfect accent for your style. Given the number of choices when it comes to materials finding something in your price range is also do-able, although quality and performance do have to be taken into consideration, as good windows will help to reduce your energy consumption, will be easier to clean and simpler to maintain.

Window frames come in a variety of materials including wood, vinyl, fiberglass, aluminum and hybrid versions.

Wood is by far the most expensive option when it comes to window frames and comes in many hardwood varieties. It can come in solid and composite forms. Some people opt to have wood frames on the inside but another material on the outside that will better stand resist the elements. For customers who want wood but easier cleaning and maintenance (less painting) the wood can be clad in vinyl, aluminum or fiberglass.

Vinyl is usually the least expensive option when it comes to window frames and requires very little maintenance. However, because it can’t be painted there are fewer colour options to choose from. Depending on the quality of the vinyl used, it can also yellow over time. However, when it comes to keeping the elements out, there is no difference between wood and vinyl.

Aluminum window frames are more expensive than vinyl but less so than wood. They are a very durable choice that doesn’t tend to discolour and as it can be painted, there is more variety than with vinyl.

Fiberglass is a relatively new material in window frame construction and its cost is significantly more than that of vinyl, however, it is a very strong material that requires no maintenance. They are very resistant to temperature extremes and moisture, making them good for cold climates and they also don’t rust or splinter. Despite the pros of fiberglass, it remains a little used choice.

Window Style
After you have chosen the material for your window frames, choosing the style of window will also impact your lifestyle and the window’s energy efficiency. Remember that windows panes have a higher energy efficiency than the frames so the larger the number of breaks in the window pane, the lower the window’s efficiency. So casement windows will have a better energy rating than single/double hung windows.

There are a good overview of the different window styles over here //bit.ly/1cxBRL7.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is another factor to take into consideration when purchasing windows for your Toronto home. The higher the efficiency of your windows, the higher the savings you will see on your energy bill every month. The government of Ontario website has an excellent review of energy efficiency and what it means.

Window shopping is more than just finding the right fit for you house – it is finding the right fit for your dwelling, your wallet, your style and your energy consciousness.

Wood, Ceramics, Porcelain and More – Finding your Floor

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Finding the perfect flooring for your home can be a fun project. There are just so many choices and styles from which to choose that it is possible to find the perfect flooring for your needs and tastes. Depending on your budget and the rooms that need new flooring, there is an option that will suit you perfectly. Here we will look at some the options available.

Hardwood floors were the basic flooring commonly found in most homes. Today it is considered a luxury finish that must be requested. Wood floors give rooms a warm, rich look and feel. However, despite their recent cachet and increased cost, if you want wood flooring, there are a number of options from engineered varieties to the solid kind. Engineered hardwood is less expensive than pure hardwood and is easier to install but cannot be refinished as many times. True hardwoods last long as they can be refinished several times before needing to be replaced. Given their potential for getting scratched, wood flooring is best in low-traffic areas. Currently, the trend is to install wood in kitchens, although if you opt for this, then you have to be sure to coat it in a very strong barrier to prevent it from getting damaged from any water/moisture. You can read more about wood flooring over here //bit.ly/1IY5CTG.

Bamboo is a low-cost and highly sustainable form of hardwood that is a very good option if you want the warmth of wood but also want a smaller footprint. It is excellent in any room and highly versatile. You can read about bamboo flooring over here //bit.ly/1cgj9Yq.

Cork flooring is soft underfoot and a natural product with a low environmental impact. It can be used in virtually any room of your home. Cork is highly resilient and “springs back” into shape, which makes it ideal in high traffic areas of your home – although it also means that heavy furniture can leave small indentations if left in one spot for a long time.

Vinyl and Linoleum
Many people tend to blur the lines between vinyl and linoleum flooring. While they might be considered the same thing, they are definitely not. From the Armstrong Flooring website:

“Linoleum is made from natural components like linseed oil, tree resin, wood and cork flours, limestone, and pigments. It even comes with a jute backing. Its ingredients provide it with that unique scent…

Vinyl is manufactured using vinyl, felt, fiberglass and dyes.”

The one thing they both have in common is that they are both very resistant, long-lasting and inexpensive.

If you want to read more about their difference and similarities, you can do so over here //bit.ly/1AvR2Qr.

Tiles are extremely versatile and come in so many varieties that choosing can be difficult. From ceramics to porcelaines to granite and marble, all options are terrific choices and provide tough, attractive surfaces for your high traffic and high moisture areas. Some homes even have tiles in principal rooms – although in colder climates heating tiles can be difficult. There’s a good look at tiles over here //bit.ly/1F8oR5I.

Laminate flooring has the look and beauty of hardwoods without the cost and maintenance. The easy-to-install, rugged cousin of hardwood flooring is perfect for high traffic areas and for households with young children and pets.

Carpeting is still a popular choice for many people given its comfort level and the softness and beauty it gives to a room. However, it does require a high degree of maintenance to keep it clean and dust-free. HGTV takes a good look at the pros and cons of carpeting over here //bit.ly/1KkHLuS.

Your home’s flooring will have to last a long time and withstand a fair amount of abuse, so making the right decision for your family’s needs is crucial to ensuring enjoyment and satisfaction for years to come.

Exterior Cladding – Getting it Right

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The exterior cladding or finishing material of your home has more than just an esthetic value – it is what will protect your home’s structure from the elements, keep critters away and keep you warm and dry on the inside. The kind of cladding you choose will depend on the climate in which you live, your personal style and taste and also on your pocket book. In general, the colder the climate, the more durable a cladding you will want to select for your dwelling.

There are a number of materials that can be used as the exterior cladding for your home. Ranging in choice from natural wood to brick and stone to composite and vinyl, aluminum and metal, the choice is large. Aside from climate and cost, other factors that might play into your decision can include maintenance, durability and environmental impact.

If you are looking for a small eco footprint, then either natural wood, composite or brick and stone would be your best bets. However, bear in mind that when it comes to natural wood and composite, maintenance is quite high and the siding will not last as long as other options. It is also more susceptible to mold, rot and insects. Cedar siding is longer lasting and requires less maintenance and last longer but it will weather to a grey finish that isn’t necessarily pleasing to everyone. When it comes to brick and stone, although the production of these materials is clean, the extraction process isn’t and they are among the more costly options on the list. However, maintenance is very low and it will last for decades.

Some of the more common exterior cladding choices on the market are vinyl and aluminium siding. They are relatively cost effective and highly durable, but they can leave a much larger environmental impact given their production process. Vinyl siding is especially affordable and easy to work with, although it won’t last as long as some other options. Aluminum siding is another very good option, but it is usually used for upper floors because it has a tendency to warp easily when dinged.

If you want to learn more about different kinds of siding and their pros and cons, there is a very good article over here //bit.ly/1FtIJXE and Rona also has a very informative list of sidings over here //bit.ly/1HnmHDp that gives you the more technical specs of the different options availabl.

Lastly, be sure to always check with your municipality’s by-laws concerning external cladding as some materials can be frowned upon