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Getting home reno supplies on a budget

600 401 Nisha Muire
Renovating your Toronto home doesn’t have to break your bank. With a few shrewd tips, you can get excellent quality materials at competitive prices that will slash your budget significantly. We are not saying that you have to skimp on quality and finishes, we’re just suggesting that there are ways of getting what you want at the price you want.
Buy ready-made
One of the best ways to save money is to buy off the shelf – especially when it comes to cabinets. Big box home renovation stores always carry ready-made cabinetry. Although the sizing might be limited, you can always make what is in-store work for you using spacers and a little imagination. It will save you more than a third of the cost of getting those same cabinets custom made or sized exactly for your project.
Check out the returns section
Mistakes happen and people do change their minds when it comes to colours and materials. In many instances you can find great deals in the returns section of your hardware store. Sometimes it is left-over counter pieces or tiling, other times you can find really good quality paints at a fraction of their cost simply because they have a been premixed and the colour might not be everyone’s cup of tea. Generally, if you know that you have a reno project coming up, then make it a habit to troll the hardware stores every day looking for that gem – when you find it, scoop it up and save it for when you are ready to renovate.
Shop, shop, shop!
Another good tip is to not discount any store selling materials – no matter how cheesy or odd it might look. The overstock and liquidation centres often hold fantastic deals that are only discovered if you go inside. Also don’t overlook places like Costco, which often has excellent fixtures and materials at very competitive prices – although it is often hit-or-miss and materials aren’t always in stock.
The classifieds
Looking for materials? Check out kijiji and Craig’s List for people who are selling their overstock tiles, drywall, flooring and paint – some people will even give these items away at the end of a reno if they have no place to store them.
It is possible to find materials for your renovation project at good prices. All you have to do is look and be patient.

Changing a light fixture

1024 576 Nisha Muire
One of the simpler DIY tasks on any home reno list is that of changing a light fixture. Although it is advisable to always consult and/or hire an electrician if your electrical system is old and not set-up in a standard fashion, most homes have light fixtures that can be switched fairly easily even by those without a lot of DIY experience.
1. Turn off the power
The first thing to do is turn off the circuit breaker controlling the power supply to the fixture you wish to change. Find your circuit panel and turn off the breaker. If you aren’t sure which breaker it is, keep the light on and try each breaker until the light goes off.
2. Remove the old fixture
When you are removing your old light fixture, be sure to take good note of how the wires have been attached. If need be, take a picture of the set-up so that you aren’t wondering afterwards which wires you should be attaching together.
3. Secure light box in place
Once the old fixture has been removed, be sure that the light box is securely in place so that it is easier for you to work on it – but it shouldn’t be too tight or you won’t be able to manipulate the wires.
4. Connect new wires
Now you are ready to connect the wires of the new fixture to the wiring in your home. If you don’t remember exactly how that should be done – consult the picture that you took of the old wiring!
5. Install canopy
Bend the wires into the base and then install the new fixture’s base/canopy to the light box.
6. Install bulbs
Install the wattage of bulb called for by the light fixture. If you use a bulb that requires too high a wattage, it will constantly burn out.
7. Install cover
The last step to changing your light fixture is to install the pretty part – the cover that will make all of the difference to the look of your home.

Installing a door: the basics

489 276 Nisha Muire
Installing an interior door in your Toronto home can be a bit of a challenge, but if you follow the proper steps, it is also one of those tasks that bring with it bragging rights. Yes, it can be tricky, but getting the proper level at the beginning really is the trickiest part. Once you have the proper level set, then you will have a much easier time of it. Before starting this project, however, be sure to have a package of wood shims as well as finishing nails – and, a very good level. You can check if your level is good by laying it down on a flat surface and noting the position of the bubble, then flip it over and see that the bubble returns to the exact same spot – if it doesn’t, get a new level.
Here are a few basic guidelines for the proper installation of an interior door:
Level the floor
If the floor beneath your door jamb is uneven, then your latch will not line-up and your door will not close properly. Check to make sure that your floor is not uneven. If it is then you will have to trim one of the door frame posts to compensate for it. Remember that if you have to cut more than ¼ of the frame from one side, then you may have to also trim the door itself to ensure that it closes properly.
Once you have the floor level, nail one shim to the inside frame to get started. Next, place your door into the frame and make sure that it is opens and closes properly. If there are any problems opening and closing the door, you will have to shim the sides to get it even. Once it has the proper movement, secure the jamb to the post by nailing along its length.
When the door is initially secured, check the movement again and place a shim beneath each hinge to ensure the proper functioning of the door. Once all of the shims are in place, nail the jamb through the shims. Break off any protruding shims.
Use a nail set to push the nails beneath the surface of the wood and then fill the holes with spackle to create a smooth finish. Check the door again to make sure it opens and closes properly and make any adjustments using a sledgehammer to gently tap into place where necessary.

Floor sanding: hiring a professional vs DIY

276 183 Nisha Muire
Homeowners in Toronto with hardwood floors that need a little love have two options when it comes to restoring their flooring – either they can opt to sand and varnish their floors themselves or they can hire a professional to take care of it for them. While hiring a professional will set you back between $1.50 to $4.00 per square foot depending on the kind of finish that you want and the amount of work that will have to be put into the job. While you will certainly save significantly by doing the job yourself, you will also have to put in your time and effort to do a proper job.
Should you decide to do the job yourself, you will have to rent the proper equipment, be sure to have a heavy-duty vacuum on hand and understand the basics of floor sanding. Depending on the state of your flooring, you must start with the heaviest sandpaper and move to the lightest in order to get a smooth finish. You must also remember to apply an even pressure and to go with the grain of the wood to get a consistent look. Removing all of the dust prior and making sure that your floors are spotless before applying your varnish is also crucial to getting that crystal clear look and satiny finish that feels so nice underfoot.
Should you decide to hire professionals, there are certain questions that you should ask before signing a contract:
– What kind of experience do they have?
– How many people will b on the job?
– How long will it take for them to finish?
– Will they move your furniture and store it for you?
– How will they clean-up?
– How and when do they expect payment?
– What kind of varnish do they use?
– Do they offer staining as well as varnish?
– Ask for references!
Here are the pros and cons of both options:
More affordable
Set your own schedule
Steep learning curve if 1st time
Full liability if mistakes happen
Little effort on your part
Professional results
Guaranteed by company hired
More expensive

Getting the perfect coat of paint

1000 813 Nisha Muire
Refreshing the colour palate of your Toronto home is one of the easiest projects for a DIY enthusiast. Painting can a lot of fun and very satisfying as it is one of those projects that can totally transform your living space in very little time. Painting your home is also an inexpensive way to refresh a tired room. To get it right here are a few handy tips to follow.
1. Prepare your walls by repairing any major cracks and filling in holes. Be sure to sand and then prime the patched sections so that your paint job doesn’t turn out blotchy.
2. Lightly sand your walls to ensure better adhesion of your new paint job. Next wash your walls thoroughly and dry to get the best adhesion possible.
3. Paint the trims first and they paint the ceilings and walls.
4. To paint the trims, first use a sponge sander to sand the trims wipe clean and apply your first coat of paint. Allow to dry for 24 hour, then lightly sand again, vacuum, wipe clean and then apply the second coat – this will give you a nice smooth finish. Allow to dry for 24 hours then
5. Once the trims are dry you can tape them off using an easy release painter’s tape.
6. To get a nice finish on your edges and corners paint with a paint brush first and then smooth over immediately with a roller.
7. Wait for paint to dry for at least 24 hrs before removing painter’s tape – however, since it will form a layer that could remove some of the freshly applied paint it is best to cut along the edge using an exacto knife before removing the tape.
And voilà! You’ll have a beautifully painted home.

Refinishing reclaimed wood

640 425 Nisha Muire
The cost of building materials in Toronto can be very high. One of the best ways to keep your costs down while also reducing your environmental footprint is to use reclaimed wood for your home renos and projects. Reclaimed wood can come from anywhere including old pallets, decks, furniture, etc… The biggest hurdle to using reclaimed wood for your projects is preparing it so that it is viable once more. Often reclaimed wood is either damaged, waterlogged or covered in old paint. Getting it ready for a new life requires a little bit of effort but can save you a bundle.
Before starting be sure you have proper eye and ear protection. You might also need a respirator if using a large sander. Having access to to jointer/planer is also crucial although you can get away without one if you don’t mind imperfect lines.
Your first order of business will be to get rid of any metal in the wood. You’ll need to thoroughly inspect the wood for any form of metal as it can really ruin your blades if any is left behind. Be sure to remove any nails, screws, staples and even rocks that might still be embedded in the wood. If any of the pieces of wood in your reclaimed pile have problems such as cracks, loose knots or rotted sections, there is no point in restoring them unless you are planning to cut those sections away and use the remaining wood.
Next use your hand sander to sand every inch of the boards. If you missed any metal, the sander will likely find it for you. Lastly, cut the ends of the boards to make them even – it will help if you plan on sending them through a planner.
If you do use a planner, make sure to set it a just slightly larger than your boards and adjust it accordingly after that to the size you want. If you want all your boards to be the same size then you’ll have to set it to the size of your thinnest board. Usually one pass through the planner is enough, depending on the look you want. For a new look, you’ll have to send it through more than once until the desired look is achieved.
Be sure to use a clear stain to maintain the beautiful grain of your reclaimed wood in your finished project. If the wood will be used for a heavy use piece of furniture, then you might also consider given it a few coats of shiny varnish.