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real estate news & info
Reverse mortgages – beware!
150 150 Nisha Muire

If you are a senior with a paid-for home in Toronto, you might be tempted to tap into all of the money accumulated in your home with a reverse mortgage. After all, if you bought in the 1980s you home…

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Using the equity in your home – good idea or not?
150 150 Nisha Muire

Now that you have your first Toronto property and you have been paying towards it for a year or two – maybe more, you have definitely built-up equity in your place. The equity built adds value to your overall financial…

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Growing your property portfolio
150 150 Nisha Muire

Growing your Toronto property portfolio will take more planning and better nerves of steel than it would in other parts of the country simply because of the very high prices for real estate. If you are interested in building property…

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Planning your move smartly
150 150 Nisha Muire

Moving from one Toronto home to another can either be daunting or a hassle-free endeavor – depending entirely on the amount of planning you put into it. The best way to ensure that your move goes smoothly is to plan…

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When should you downsize?
150 150 Nisha Muire

Downsizing from your large Toronto home to a smaller place is a very personal decision that will be driven by several factors including your short and long-term goals, your financial situation and what you want your lifestyle to be.  …

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When is a good time to move to a bigger house?
150 150 Nisha Muire

If you are wondering when you should move into a bigger Toronto house, the answer is actually not that complicated: when you feel ready. I know – this is much easier said than done. Understanding whether you are ready or…

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Tips on moving up the house ladder
150 150 Nisha Muire

If you are like most Toronto homeowners, at one point you will likely find yourself thinking about moving to a large home. However, given the current high price of real estate in the GTA, this is easier said than done.…

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Financing your first home
150 150 Nisha Muire

If you are a first-time Toronto home buyer, you must be wondering how to finance your first place. With the cost of renting nearly on par with actually buying a home, saving for a downpayment can be challenging. Since you…

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Finding your mortgage comfort zone
150 150 Nisha Muire

Now that you know what you want from a new Toronto home, the next thing you need before hitting the market, is finding your mortgage comfort zone. Your comfort zone is what you can easily pay every month without fear…

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Identifying what you want in a new home
150 150 Nisha Muire

House hunting in Toronto is always a fun prospect – but it can also be stressful and frustrating. Unless you have a clear idea of what you are looking for in a new home, chances are you will spin your…

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