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The perfect lounge

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When setting up a lounge in your Toronto home – whether a formal living room or a casual family room, the idea is to create a stylish space for relaxation where family and guests alike will feel welcome and at-ease. Regardless of the space you have to work with there are certain tips and tricks that will help you personalize your setting.

The right colour will influence the ambiance of your room and promote either a festive, refined, sophisticated or casual atmosphere. Your personal style and taste will dictate the color palate that you choose. When putting together your palate try to pull in everything that will be in your room including wall and window treatments, upholstery and any other textured element – and then match them to each other. Interior decorators work with a swatch board on which they attach all of their color and texture inspirations so that they can see whether what they envision works together in reality. Making your own swatch board is a great way to get professional results when planning everything yourself.

Colour is not the only important element in a room – texture is just as integral to a unified space. Whether you are looking at wall paper, rugs, upholstery, flooring or moldings – the proper texture will add weight, depth, character and style to your space. Be sure to match your texture to the overall vision for your lounge.

Furniture is the backbone of your lounge – not just the actual pieces you choose, but also the placement of those pieces within your room. Depending on the size of your room, you might want to consider placing the furniture in the middle of the space leaving room behind for circulating. Ensuring that talking areas are not crossed is another element to keep in mind.

The addition of a wet bar in your lounge will definitely get the party going! However, wet bars are not as popular in formal living rooms or family room as they are in recreation areas or lower level lounges. However, that doesn’t mean that if you want a wet bar in your living or family room you can’t break the mold and go your own way. There are a number of ways to incorporate a wet bar into your lounge – from hidden compartments to the creation of an actual bar with stools and hanging glasses.

As with everything else, lighting is a very important part of creating the perfect lounge. Indirect or mood lighting works best for entertaining although you will certainly want to have full overhead lights for those occasions when better lighting is needed. Two sets of lighting is therefore smart – overheads that are used only when needed, and mood lighting for every day.

The perfect lounge really will depend on what you consider important in such a space and what your comfort level dictates.

Creative Kitchens Updates

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The kitchen is one of the most used spaces in any home. Toronto kitchens run the gamut from extremely high-end, luxury models to tiny, well-designed spaces made to maximize effectiveness and practicality.

Remodeling your existing kitchen is one of the best ways to guarantee a return on your investment dollars. Whether you have an unlimited budget or you have to make every dollar count, you can turn your existing kitchen into an attractive, modern and stylish setting using a few old tricks.

Although it might seem too straight-forward to work, painting your kitchen can change its look entirely. If you already have good cabinets made from solid wood, then swapping them out for newer cabinets might not be the best solution. Instead stripping them of their old paint and giving them a new colour will definitely do the trick. Another good option that works wonders is resurfacing your old cabinets. A layer of new finish is added to the existing finish and details are incorporated such as moldings, capping and more to create a whole new look. Resurfacing is more costly than repainting but still more economical than changing your cabinets completely.

Even if you don’t do anything else, changing your existing counter will make your kitchen pop! Depending on your budget you can opt from the most popular materials of melamine, composite or pure stone counters. The choice you make will be largely dictated by your budget as well as your taste. Bear in mind that if you opt for a stone counter, then you must be prepared to maintain it every so often in order to keep it in top condition. You can also go with lesser used but just as attractive materials including concrete, wood and stainless steel.

Adding a backsplash is a good and inexpensive way of updating the look of your kitchen. If you already have a backsplash, you can either change it entirely or scrub it clean and repaint it – the finished effect is far better than what you would expect. Another option is covering it with some of the newly available stick-on tiles found in hardware stores – they are easy to use and will give your kitchen a fantastic new look.

Changing your light fixtures to something more modern will also be a good way to give your kitchen some pizzazz. Instead of sticking to the tried and true dome lights, try something suspended, track lighting or even pot lighting.

A very quick and easy fix to any kitchen makeover is changing the fixtures. Installing high-end fixtures can change the look of your cabinets within a half-hour.

If you have a larger budget, then hiring an architect to help you include an additional pantry, a centre island or even the redesign of the entire space is a good way to go as they can give you ideas that you might not have on your own.

Whatever you decide, just make sure that your kitchen suits your needs and your style.

What are the pros and cons of installing a skylight?

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Adding a skylight to your Toronto home can add depth, light and ambiance to a setting. However, there are certain realities to keep in mind before such an addition should be made. In some estimations the cons of of adding a skylight outweigh the pros – but for others the pros tip the balance in their favour. We’ll let you decide what’s best for your situation by presenting the facts.


Skylights are installed in a roof in order to add light to a dark room or to increase a view. The fact that these windows are installed in your roof means that you will have to cut a hole into your roof and the floor of your attic in order to install it – not to mention the creation of a box around the shaft to seal it off. Installing a skylight is, therefore, a major renovation.
Once you install a skylight expect your insurance company to increase your premiums as they are considered high-risk for leaks and other damage.
Expect to pay more in heating and cooling costs unless it is very well installed, sealed and insulated.

Now we’ll get into the pros and cons.


A skylight will automatically make any room look bigger.
A skylight will increase the value of your home.
They are a fantastic source of natural light.
Depending on their placement and function, they can provide fantastic views of the sky and landscape.
They create a terrific ambiance in any room in which they are placed.


Will cost a lot to install.
Will cost a lot to maintain properly.
Have the potential to leak and damage your roof and structures.
Will increase your heating/cooling bill.
Will increase your insurance.

As your can see from these lists, the pros have more to do with lifestyle and quality of life while the cons have more to do with cost. So, if you prefer to invest in your quality of life and the beauty of your home, then accepting that the addition of a skylight will incur some costs is your best option.

Should you convert an extra bedroom into an ensuite?

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The question of converting an existing bedroom into a master ensuite is a good one – especially in a hot Toronto market. Unfortunately, there is no straight-forward answer to this dilemma. Whether such a decision is a good one or not will depend on several factors and it is best to gauge the sentiments of the buyers in your neighbourhood to truly determined whether a room conversion will add value or decrease the value of your home.

Generally, Ontario homebuyers will look for certain house-types in a given neighbourhood. If your neighbourhood is full of three-bed, two-bath homes, then your four-bedroom home might benefit from a conversion. However, if buyers flock to your area for four-bedroom properties, then you will significantly impact the value of your home.

Another factor to keep in mind is practicality. Usually buyers expect there to be a bathroom on each level of a home. So, if you have a basement bathroom and you relocate it to the main floor, this will certainly add value. Additionally, buyers generally expect a ratio of 2 baths for 4 bedrooms – if you have this, then adding a third bathroom might be excessive. If your home has 4 bedrooms with only one bath, then an extra ensuite will certainly make your home more attractive.

Another very important element to be aware of is the cost of such a conversion. If the homes in your neighbourhood are selling for $200,000 and it will cost you $40,000 to convert a room into an ensuite, then it might not be worth your while to do so as you are not likely to recoup your full investment.

The market in your area is another big consideration. If you are in a family-oriented community, then having more bedrooms will likely attract those with larger families while if your neighbourhood is mainly home to young professionals and retirees, then you will likely have more success with an ensuite and fewer bedrooms.

If you have an attic that you can turn into a loft, then converting an existing bedroom into an ensuite might be worth it as you would simply be diverting the space from one area of your home to another.

The last piece of advice we can give you is to check with a realtor if you have any doubts. Most realtors in the Toronto area will provide this service free of charge if you are interested in knowing whether such a conversion is a good idea or not.

In the end, however, if you want the ensuite for your own convenience and you intend to live in your home long-term, then you might as well make the investment so that you can enjoy the ensuite.

Matterport: The Future of Real Estate Imaging

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Matterport 3D imaging is the future of real estate marketing and Imaginahome is already a veteran of this cutting-edge technology. Offering this forward-looking benefit since the spring of 2015 has helped Imaginahome master the finer points of this incredible technology. By placing cameras at strategic points in a home, every detail of a residence is captured. When the pictures are stitched together they create a seamless, virtual walk-through of a property that a homebuyer can control.

“The future of real estate marketing lies in the real benefit that a true virtual tour gives to the buyer – and that is exactly what Matterport delivers,” says Bilal Jamous, owner of Imaginahome Inc. “As more realtors discover just how easy Matterport imaging makes the home-buying process, the more integral the technology is becoming to their marketing strategies.”

CTV news covered Matterport last week and described how the virtual tour allows potential home buyers to walk through a home in a manner similar to how you can walk through a video game. You can watch the CTV report over here //bit.ly/1OZonJt.

Contact us today to find out how the Matterport marketing solution will benefit your clients!

The Best Bathroom

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The best bathroom ideas are those that will maximize your ensuite’s space and functionality while increasing its architectural and design appeal. Finding a style that closely matches the tone and ambiance found in the rest of your home is another good idea as this will help your bathroom to blend into the context of your residence seamlessly.

When you set out to upgrade your bathroom, bear in mind that while it will bring up your home’s value, you will only see a full return on your investment if you are smart about your renovation. You can easily sink 45K into a bathroom reno, but that doesn’t mean that you will ever recoup that money when you sell because few people are willing to spend that much more on a home just because of a fancy ensuite – unless your neighbourhood will support such an expensive renovation.

Things to keep in mind when renovating your bathroom:

Replacing vs Upgrading
If you have a smaller budget to work with but desperately need to renovate, then consider simply replacing your old fixtures and finishes with newer models. It won’t cost as much and you can find really nice items on sale or at liquidation outlets. Sometimes, you can even breathe new life into old items by repurposing them. If you have more room in your budget then you can look to upgrading your space by purchasing more expensive fixtures, enlarging the space, adding a window or lighting or even completely moving around the shower, toilet and sink.

Showers vs Tubs
Depending on which bathroom you are renovating, it might not be necessary to keep your tub. If it is the main family bathroom, then a tub is a must as this is what homebuyers look for and expect. However, if you are renovating your ensuite and rarely use your tub – why keep it? If you are a shower kind of person then the smarter move would be to get rid of the tub and create a walk-in shower. In fact, you can go all out and get rid of the shower lip itself so that you have a very modern design that you can age into gracefully.

Installing an ordinary shower head is conventional – but why not explore the different kind of shower heads on the market today? Rain shower heads drop large droplets from an overhead spout while full-body jets line the shower walls and hit you from everywhere for a massaging effect.

While steam rooms are no longer as popular as they once were, installing a heat lamp in the shower is a great way to warm up on cold mornings.

Adding mirrors to any room will increase its size considerably – adding a large one to a small bathroom will give the same illusion of space. But, why stop there? If you have a tendency to shave in the shower, then it might be worth splurging on a fog-free mirror and proper lighting and creating a little recessed nook for a mirror and your shaving items within the shower itself.

Although safety bars in the shower are associated with the elderly, they are very good to have for people of any age. They provide a secure spot to hold onto when soaping up your feet – and today it’s possible to get very attractive options that don’t give the look and feel of a nursing home or hospital.

Typically the only seating in the bathroom is the toilet bowl, however, there is room to add more seating in the form of a make-up seat at the vanity and a shower seat in the shower – both of which are very useful and come in extremely handy.

For some really good ideas on bathroom renovations you can check out this article over here //bit.ly/1LnZB1A.