• Real Estate Photography, Videos, Tours, Printing & Design - Toronto, GTA & Surrounding Areas


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The GTA Home & Reno Show

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It’s that time of year once again, folks! The GTA Home & Reno Show is about to open its doors for another round of how-to’s, where-to-finds and who-to-hires! From Feb. 12-15th the International Centre Mississauga will be hosting this year’s edition of the premier home and renovation show in the city.

The focus for 2016 is on making your house a home. Expert speakers have been lined up to talk about how you can turn your property into that of your dreams – regardless of what you start with. The home and reno show is one of the best places to get solid advice from industry professionals, find out about the latest trends in home renovation and to meet with experts from every aspect of the renovation spectrum – from financiers to finishers.

Regardless of whether you are buying or selling a property, chances are that you will have to invest in certain updates – either to get the highest asking price possible or because you plan to live in the home and enjoy it for as long as possible. In either scenario, getting the low-down on your best options for renovating and updating will go a long way toward your future property happiness.

Among this year’s speakers is Scott McGillivray, host of the popular HGTV show Income Property. He will be discussing the “Top 5 Returns on Investment Renovations.” He is slotted to speak on Saturday, Feb. 13 at 1pm.

You can find out more about the show and the speakers presenting this year, at their website. Tickets can be purchased at the door.

If you plan on doing any renovations to your property – this is one show that you shouldn’t miss!

Online Listings

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Online listings are more necessary than ever if you want to sell your Toronto home. With the advent of the online marketing the real estate industry has been moving steadily towards a more virtual sales model. There are several advantages of putting your listing online. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Syndication Synergy

By listing your property online with a syndicated website you will automatically have that listing placed on other websites, portals and real estate forums – and you would only have had the initial listing to create. Syndication is a terrific way to get greater exposure for your listings that by posting them one at a time on different sites.

The Power of Social

Yes, it has become ubiquitous to say that social media is powerful – because it is. It’s that simple. The best agents know this and harness the power of the web to get their listings viewed and sold faster and for a higher value than their competition. Posting your listing to your Facebook page, tweeting about it from your Twitter account and showcasing it on Instagram are some of the many very important tools needed to better market your home.

Websites, Private Message Boards and Beyond

A good real estate agent absolutely have their own website where they can post their listings (including yours) but the really good agents will also work with a real estate marketing firm to better exploit all of the possibilities when it comes to showing off your property. Imaginahome has its own blog and website where agents can post their listings in high-definition and in vibrant colour. Other online resources include Craig’s list and Kijiji and real estate forums.

Regardless of what marketing direction you decide to go in with your property listing – make sure that it includes an online component for the best results!

Night Photography

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Night photography in real estate marketing is the icing on the cake when it comes to selling. If done well, it can really add to your home’s appeal. If not done well, then it can really drag your sales potential down.

Having the right marketing materials in your sales arsenal is among the key ingredients to a quick and lucrative sale for your Toronto home. It is no longer enough to simply advertise your home in the newspaper and to stick a “For Sale” sign on your front lawn. You need to have the right online presence, you need the right brochures and you definitely need the right photography to sell your residence in all of these highly visual forums.

Night photography is a specialized art form that can help make the best and most lasting impression on potential home buyers. If your property has been beautifully landscaped and is showcased by well-placed lighting, then it only makes sense to show it off after the sun has set. Night shots of a well-lit and professionally landscaped property can be truly spectacular and dramatic.

Some of the benefits that realtors have found when using professional photography to sell homes – especially night photography:

– Helps generate leads
– Helps sell homes more consistently
– Listings with professional photography sell for higher prices
– It impresses current clients
– Helps to attract new clients

Imaginahome Inc.’s professional photographers are experts at getting the best visuals for your marketing needs – and when it comes to night photography, they are second to none. If you’re on the market to sell your Toronto home, be sure that your realtor knows about what Imaginahome can do to help sell your property quickly and for the price you want.

Marketing Magic

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Selling a home in Toronto has its challenges given the hot market and the slew of gorgeous properties for sale. Using a good realtor and staging your home properly are two very important elements to having your place sell quickly and for the price you want. The third part is having the proper marketing. Yes – marketing.

It is no longer feasible to simply put a “for sale” sign in front of your house and to take out a small add in a newspaper in order for your place to sell. With greater numbers of people turning to the internet and social networks for their news and real estate listings, there are a number of approaches needed to ensure a successful sale.

The Power of Pictures

The first thing to do is to get a real estate photographer to take pictures of your property highlighting all of the best angles and vantage points. A good photographer will know exactly how to photograph your home to make it look its best. It is not just a matter of taking your own photos, real estate photographers have tricks that help them enhance a property without much effort. Real estate photographers are not easily found, but Imaginahome Inc. is fortunate to have some of the best on their team.

Network, Network, Network

With your professional pictures in hand, it is now time to hit the networks – the social networks. Post the pictures of your place on Facebook, on twitter, on Instagram and encourage your friends to share to get the most reach. If you aren’t on any of these networks or if you have a very small and private group of friends, then make sure that your realtor has a big network that they can reach through social media. Do not underestimate the influence and power that social media has in the real estate market!


The MLS or Multiple Listings Service is an absolute must for anyone looking to sell their home. It is the database where all houses being sold are listed. Available across Canada, except in Quebec, it is the definitive site used by sellers and buyers to showcase their properties. Be sure that your real estate agent has your house up on the MLS the minute the marketing materials are ready.

Brochures, postcards and more

Regardless of your property’s value, it is always a good idea to have professional brochures of your home printed up and ready to hand out when you are having an open house. A well put together brochure will enhance your property’s value and will keep it top-of-mind longer after potential buyers have visited. If your agent doesn’t work with such marketing materials, insist that they do for your place. Imaginahome Inc. has an array of marketing material packages that can be tailored for your property. Let your realtor know that this is available if they aren’t aware.

Keep in mind that any kind of sales will require a certain investment. However, that invest will most certainly pay-off in the end when your property is the hottest one on the block and you get exactly what you wanted – and maybe even more.


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Staging your Toronto home for sale is one of the best investments you can make as a home seller. Staging might seem like a luxury, but, in fact, a well staged home is one that buyers will automatically gravitate towards. The reason for this is simple: home stagers know how to set-up a space so that it is sells.

You might think that your decorating skills are top-notch – and they might be, but you’ve decorated your home to live in it. A home stager will set it up to sell; there is a big difference between these two concepts. Consider it this way – you would never go for a job interview in your casual, everyday clothes – you would put on your best suit before heading out the door; the same philosophy applies to home staging.

Here are a few of the benefits of staging your home:

– It will sell a lot faster!
– It will bring in the highest possible price, because:
   * It gives the appearance of being well-maintained
   * It makes potential buyers see themselves in the space
– Staged homes make a great first impression
– Staged homes will stay with a buyer long after they have left
– Staged homes look great online (and most buyers will look at a property online before making an appointment to see it)
– Agents tend to show staged homes more frequently because they know that they show well

Yes, you will have to hire a professional home stager, but it will be money well spent. Your agent can definitely suggest home stagers that they work with or you can look up home staging services in your neighbourhood. Whatever route you take, be sure that it includes a professional home stager if you are looking to sell your home.

Selling Your Home

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Selling your Toronto home might now be something that you are thinking about. With the winter snows settling in for the season, many homeowners are gearing up to put their homes on the market with the first melt to meet the demands of eager buyers. In order to make the most of your sale, there are certain things to keep in mind and to consider.

Finding the right agent

Never underestimate the skills of a good agent at helping you sell your Toronto home for the best price in the quickest time. The right agent will be someone who knows your area well and know exactly what buyers are looking for and how to position your property to get the maximum asking price for it. Finding a good agent can be as simple as asking for referrals from friends and family to looking at track records of the agents you see advertising around your neighbourhood. Remember that an agent should work for you and not the buyer – and sometimes that line is not very clear.

Getting your property ready

Although you might be forgiven for thinking that selling your home is as simple as just putting a for sale sign out front, the truth is slightly more involved. In order to get the most of your sale, your home needs to stand out and to be appealing. In other words, you’ll need to give the rooms a new coat of paint if they are looking drab, you will have to fix any holes or cracks, seal the windows, re-caulk the bathroom, cleaning everything from top-to-bottom – even if it means hiring a cleaning agency to help you get it spotless and generally getting the structure looking well-maintained.


Next, it is advisable to stage the home so that potential buyers are able to see themselves living there. Remove family portraits from the walls, declutter space so that only minimal furnishings are left and make sure that it looks inviting. If need be hire a professional home stager to help you get the most of what you have.


Every homeowners expects to get the most from the sale of their home, however, it’s never a good idea to price yourself out of the market. Find out what similar homes in your neighbourhood have sold for and then price somewhere in that range allowing room for negotiating.


Be sure to disclose any potential problems with the property upfront so that you are not held liable for them after the sale. There is always the chance that a hidden defect will present itself afterwards, but protect yourself as much as possible if you know about something in advance. A good agent will help you navigate such waters.


Insist that the agent you hire asks for professionally produced marketing materials to help promote the sale of your Toronto property. In a competitive market, professionally marketed properties will always have the edge over the competition.