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The Ultimate Man-Cave

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Man-caves are a popular feature in many Toronto homes. A place that the man in a family can call his own. A place he can escape to and listen to music, watch sports or even play games. Creating a man-cave in your home doesn’t have to be expensive and elaborate – with just a little imagination and some elbow grease you can create a truly memorable experience that is tailored for the man (or men) in your home.
The first thing to do when creating a man-cave is to choose a favorite theme – whether it is music, a particular sport, movies or some other interest, having a theme will help you to narrow down your decorating style and ideas.
Next decide on favorite colours – does the man who will be using the man-cave like muted, sombre colours or does he prefer brighter hues? Getting his favorite colours right will go a long way towards helping pull the whole look together. If you can create a swatch board with the different wall colours, fabric textures and other elements that you plan to incorporate into the design, it will make it easier for you to visualize how all of the elements you want will look together.
The best man-caves in Toronto feature some kind of personalization. If you can add something coveted – for instance frame a signed concert poster of a favorite artist or the pictures taken on a particularly memorable holiday. Include memorabilia from cherished hobbies or pastimes, etc… The personal touch will really add to the cachet of any such room.
Most men are into gadgets and/or electronics. Including all of those items that will make his man-cave a real escape will definitely please the intended owner of the room.
In the end, get your man involved so that he is aware of what’s going into the design and can tell you just what he would like to have in his personal space – after all, he’s the one who will be using it!

Finishing your basement

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If you have a new build Toronto home, then chances are your basement hasn’t yet been finished. Although the cost of buying a new home might push the thought of finishing your basement down the road for a few years, there are some very good reasons for investing in your basement. Not only will a finished lower level add to the overall value of your home, but it will also provide you with additionally living space to enjoy. There are also financial considerations to potential finishing your basement. Let’s take a look at some of the pros below.
Extra living space
Chances are if you have purchased a new Toronto home, then you have a young family or you are thinking of starting one. Families typically need space – especially in our day and age. Having a finished basement where your children can play is a big advantage. It will save your principal level from constantly being messy and will give your kids a space of their own where they can run around and play to their hearts’ content. As they age a recreation room in your basement will provide teenagers with their own space to disappear into with their friends so that they can slowly start to establish their own independence.
Overall home value
Another very big consideration when it comes to finishing your Toronto basement is the overall value that it will add to your home. Depending on the size of your basement and the location of your home, it can add anywhere between $17-$40 per square foot – which comes out to a nice tidy sum.
Financial gains
Lastly, you can finish your basement to include an extra living space that you can rent out to help pay down your mortgage even faster – not something to pass up with today’s pricey housing market. Done right, your lower level can bring in enough to cover most of your mortgage, if not all of it.
Regardless of your motivation to invest in your lower level, the benefits are clear and it is definitely something that is recommended if you want to make the most of your home.

Asian Inspirations

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Last week we covered minimalist living, this week we want to talk about Asian-inspired living spaces for your Toronto home. Whether you are looking to create a Zen retreat from top-to-bottom or just one room to soothe your yearning for a more balanced state-of-mind, here are some good tips for setting up the perfect Asian-influenced interior.
The first thing to know is that “Asian” is a catch-all phrase for Eastern infused decorating styles and includes everything from Chinese to Indian elements. However, all of these styles have one thing in common: balance. The concept of balance is one that permeates all design, but especially so in Asian design where more formal constructs underpin interior décor. Balance can be created by the proper use of colour, form and texture. If you don’t get the balance of your space correct, your Asian setting will not succeed.
Choosing the right backdrop for your room is another very important element of your Asian design. As much of Asian design is based on nature, backdrops often take on the colours and textures of the outdoors or incorporate natural elements including tree and flower patterns, colours and impressions. Japanese paper screens, Indian lattice work or Korean colour-emphasis, choosing one predominant element around which to build the rest of your design is your best bet.
Sculptural lighting is another mainstay of Asian design. Using lighting is one of the easiest ways to create a to create a soft, calming ambiance in your home. Regardless of whether you have an installation of paper lanterns, a row of candles or more structured, formal light fixtures, this can be a very simple way of getting that Eastern-living look.
Minimalism is another staple of oriental décor. Sleek lines, muted but rich colours and an overall theme that pulls the space together are imperative to any successful Asian-themed interior.
Lastly, don’t forget to include plants and greenery in your design! Having a lovely little Bonsai, some decorative bamboo or some other structured plant in your room will enhance the decor immensely.

Living Simply: The Art of Minimalist Living

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Living simply might be a concept hard to grasp in our modern age. With houses increasing in size even as our families shrink in number, consumer goods proliferating our media and calls to buy, buy, buy hitting our senses at every turn, we can certainly be forgiven for thinking that the only way to live is by consuming – this is just not true. There is a great Swedish proverb that states, “He who buys what he doesn’t need, steals from himself.” What in fact you “steal” from yourself is peace-of-mind, financial security and your sense of well-being.
Living simply takes practice and self-discipline. Although seemingly easy to do, it actually requires mindfulness and a commitment to only buying what you truly need and to letting go of attachments to objects. Basing your happiness on your own accomplishments and inner peace instead of relying on things to make you smile.
The first thing to decluttering and simplifying your life is to sort through your belongings and to get rid of what you haven’t used in over a year. If you haven’t worn it, used it or even remembered that you have it, then you really don’t need – no matter what you believe. Keep only those items that are useful to own and for which you do have a practical use. Discard any old objects. If you have items of sentimental value, it is okay to hang on to them – as long as they are not taking up too much space and cluttering up your life.
Here are some other ways to simplify your life:
Pay off your debt
Sell off what you don’t really need
Give-away old clothing that you don’t wear anymore
Organize what you have
Benefits of simplifying your life:
More free time
Less feelings of stress due to attachment to objects
More space
More money
Less cleaning to do
Decrease your eco-footprint
Although a simplified lifestyle isn’t for everyone, regardless of who you are, even the smallest change to your lifestyle will produce great results.

2017 Decorating Trends

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Decorating your Toronto home is a highly subjective affair. However, if you are like a lot of homeowners out there, then you will want to know what the upcoming trends are in order to spruce up your place for the summer season. While a number of the trends are whimsical and won’t last longer than one season, others require a larger buy-in as they will affect your living space for some time to come. Let’s take a look at five of the top trends for 2017.
1. Navy and Green
That’s right – all of the greys and whites of the past few years are being replaced by navy and dark, rich blues as well as with shades of green. Using Navy as an accent wall, in furniture or just as a theme running throughout your home is the most forward trend right now in home design. Green is another great accent colour that can pop-up throughout your décor for a more pulled-together look.
2. Marble/faux finishes
Faux finishes are hot and marble is the hottest finish of them all right now. Not just in flooring, but in wallpaper and faux finishes. Marble is the new chic, go-to for those wanting to glamour-up their surroundings without shelling out the big bucks for some heavy stone.
3. Copper/warm hues
Copper and brass are making a big comeback in home décor. The warm tones throw richness and sophistication into any space you envision while also creating an inviting ambiance.
4. Matt finishes
When it comes to appliances, shiny is in the past. Trending now are matt finishes that take the emphasis away from the appliances and put the focus more squarely on the lines and design of the space that they occupy. It is a cleaner, sleeker look and makes a bold statement.
5. Texture and Geometry
Another hot trend right now is filling your home with interesting textures and equally striking geometric shapes. Naturally, you won’t want to go all out when it comes to either theme, but choosing a few key pieces to incorporate into your decor will go a long way towards updating your current look.
Keep in mind that just because something is trending doesn’t mean you have to jump onto the bandwagon. If a trend doesn’t really fit with your sensibilities or style, then it isn’t work incorporating. After all, you’ll have to live with it!

Getting the right interior design

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Making a statement in your Toronto home takes little more than imagination and an inspired design. As easy as that sounds, for some, conjuring up a powerful interior design can be difficult. However, by breaking down beautiful rooms, you will see that they all follow some very basic principals – and if you follow those same rules, you can achieve interior design brilliance in your own home as well.
Balance is one of the most important aspects of any interior design. There are three kinds of balance to know about – symmetrical, which is used to create formal settings; asymmetrical, which is used to create informal settings; radial, which is where you have one focal point from which the rest of the design radiates outward. Deciding on the kind of room you want, will help you decide on the kind of balance you want to achieve.
In interior design, rhythm is created when a same element is repeated or picked-up throughout the home. Using such repeated design elements – whether it is a colour, an image or a theme, creates a cohesive flow throughout the home that will better reflect the overall design and will help move your eye around a room easily.
Focal Point
A good room design will have a focal point or place of particular interest – otherwise the design might seem scattered and disjointed. It doesn’t need to be big statement piece, such as a fireplace, but can simply be something as seemingly innocuous as a collection of pictures on a wall or a bold window treatment – essentially something that stands out and that will draw your eye.
Proportion and Scale
Proportion and scale refer to the size of the smallest object in relation to the largest object. Some proportions are more pleasing than others and your eye will instantly tell you if something is off. In this case, we all have an innate sense of what is proportional to a space.
Creating harmony is one of the key goals of any good interior design. Having something that unifies the overall theme is important to keep in mind as it will affect your choice of furniture down to the accessories you select.
Colour is the feel-good element of your design. Whether you want it to be upbeat and breezy, stately and elegant or vivid and inviting, colour will make all of the difference in the world. When selecting your palate be sure to select a main colour around which you can then pull different themes.
Incorporating all of the above basics into your interior design will yield beautiful results – regardless of whether you’ve ever designed an interior space or not.